Thursday, August 11, 2005

5 resume mistakes to avoid

Mistake 1: Writing too much
. Keep it short;
Ideally, a CV should not go beyond two pages at most.However, if your achievements are really great, one extra page is negotiable.

. Keep it sweet, i e relevant.
Anything more than that and your CV will make a beeline for the paper shredder.

Mistake 2: Writing too little
If it isn't one, it's the other.

Mistake 3: Irrelevant details
Does it matter to your prospective employer if your eyes are blue and if you belong to the vaishnav gotra of the Brahmin caste?

Mistake 4: The information flow
Most people start with their birth date and list everything in chronological order. So, if they started with ABC company at the age of 18 and are now, say, 38 years old and work for XYZ, chances are they will start their career history with ABC and list XYZ last.

This is a strict no-no because, to the prospective employer, your last job profile matters more than your first one. Few employers like to spend an hour on a CV searching for the last position held by the applicant.

Mistake 5: A CV-ful of jargon
Is your writing style is lucidly expressionistic, highlighting the hidden angst of an existential life? Wow! But what the heck does that mean? Even if your to-be-employer is Salman Rushdie, he wouldn't want to spend time trying to understand what all those big words and jargon add up to.


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